How Track Your Online Growth Mini Guide
Learn how and what marketing to track each month and quarterly.
Step 1: Start by taking a look back at your sales strategy and goals.
What were you selling for this quarter?
1:1 consultation or calls
Step 2: How well did your social media/marketing campaigns perform. These are types of campaigns you can track based on your strategy.
Types of campaigns you can track:
Social media
Step 3: Tracking and Analyzing
The Top three places to find the information for you to analyze
Google Analytics
Email Reports
Social Media Reports
Google Analytics
Here you will look for where people came to your site from
How well specific campaigns performed
What social media networks drove the most traffic
Who your target audience is
Google keywords
Email campaigns Review your campaigns reports. Look for
Open rate
Clicks to links within your campaigns
Button clicks
Top-performing Newsletter if you send any
Social Media Networks Utilize each networks analytics + your Google Analytics to review your performance
Top networks that drove traffic to your site
Highest posts/stories that drove traffic to your site
Highest performing piece of content based on engagement this could be a video, blog post, carousel images, image post, link to product or website page.
Engagement rate
There are two ways you can begin to use this information to help you make better decisions for how your business spends time online.
OPTION 1: Set aside time at the end of each month to pull your reports. Then asses what worked and what didn't. This way you can tweak your efforts for the following month. *With Google Analytics you can even send yourself end of the month reports.
OPTION 2: Pull your reports at the end of each month and assess what worked and what did not during the second to last week of the quarter. This option allows you to continue to test your goals for a three month period, which gives a more broad understanding of your audience.
Whichever option you choose, my suggestion is to use a spreadsheet to get a high-level view of what you are tracking. I recommend creating a spreadsheet with tabs to keep track of your weekly social media growth, email campaigns and monthly reporting based on your sales strategy. Dropbox is a great option to store all of your google analytics reports in one place.
At first, this will all feel a bit much, but I promise once you start digging into the data, it will begin to make more sense and give you a clearer understanding of how your marketing goals are working to grow or scale your business.
Until next time.
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